Now type command "fastboot devices" and you should see some kind of output telling you that it's recognize the "Android" device.
Once the driver is installed, the installation process will tried to install whole bunch other things into your phone, but I really don't think it can install them in fastboot mode, so you'll probably want to terminate the process. Now you want to install PDANet, and as soon as the installation process begin, it'll find the driver for the device "Android." and install the driver for you. This is when the burst switches from PANTECH's ADB driver to something else, and only way for the command "fastboot boot prestoroot.img" to work is to find the proper driver for the new hardware call "Android" in the device manager. Anyway, so soon after the fastboot mode is brought up, you should notice the computer is telling you a new hardware is found. It's suppose to be "stupid easy" to root PANETCH Burst, but who ever said that left out that it's not so easy if you don't have all the proper driver on your computer. 6/how-to-set-up-adb-usb-drivers-for-android-devices/Describeīe sure to download two programs PDANet and USBView (which you may not really need but it's a nice little program). I solved my problem by referencing to part II of the following page: Tried to manually push/run GingerBreak, psneuter, and zergRush, so far nothing will root this device Now boot the Burst, enable USB Debugging, then power down and plug it into your pc again.Īndroid Phone > Pantech Android ADB Interface Ver1Īnd with that said, I have a working adb connection from a command line without booting into the device.Īlso F:\ & G:\ show up in Windows as removable disks, but they cannot be accessed.
Universal Serial Bus Controllers > Pantech Android USB Composite Device Universal Serial Bus Controllers > Pantech Android MDM RMNET Device Network Adapters > Pantech Android MDM WWAN
With the Burst powered off, if USB Debugging is disabled and you plug it into your computer, some useless drivers are enabled (at least for root purposes): Your Burst will reboot and reload into a familiar white screen stating FASTBOOT Install Pantech Drivers, from a command line run: It seems to depend on how heavy the load is on the OS. The Capacitive Buttons on the front of the phone are sometimes very sluggish or simply don't respond. Surprisingly, A LOT of the AT&T bloatware is actually uninstallable. (remove the spaces from the link below for a direct DL)Ĭ2. You can get the Pantech PC Suite which contains the ADB drivers from Pantech's site. So far ZergRush, OneClick, nor z4Root work to achieve Root.

When you Pull & reinsert the Battery, then press & hold both Volume buttons then press Power - "S/W Upgrading" will appear on the screen

Once this pops up, press the Menu button to make the Android Recovery menus appear.Īt this point, the volume rockers become the up & down Keys. Pull & reinsert the Battery, then hold Power & Volume Down buttons until a screen with the Triangle containing a Yellow ! appears. Last minute update?Īccording to AT&T the Latest Firmware is JUUS12052011 Here are a few my bare bone notes so far:Īll of the articles I read said the Burst would ship with 2.3.4. I've been doing some tinkering with them. I have 2 brand new Bursts on my work bench.